

This section only applies to installations such as the django-cms-quickstart project which use the djangocms-alias package.

In Django CMS, the Alias plugin is a powerful tool that enables content editors to display in as many places as they like without duplicating it. Essentially, it creates a reference or link to content that resides in a separate place - called an “Alias”.

Key aspects of the Alias plugin include:

  1. Content Replication: Rather than copying content, the alias content is referenced either in a page template or by using the Alias plugin.

  2. Cross-Page Content Sharing: It facilitates sharing content across different pages within the site. For instance, if there’s a section that needs to appear in multiple places but should have consistent content, the aliases can be employed to achieve this.

  3. Maintaining Consistency: Using aliases ensures consistency in content across various parts of the website. If the original content gets updated, all aliases referencing it will reflect those changes instantly.

  4. Saves Effort and Reduces Errors: Instead of manually replicating content across multiple pages (which could lead to discrepancies or errors), the Alias plugin streamlines the process and reduces the chance of inconsistencies.

  5. Ease of Management: Content editors can manage content in one place while displaying it in multiple locations, making it easier to maintain and update information without having to navigate through numerous pages.

In essence, aliases in Django CMS serves as a smart reference system, allowing content editors to reuse existing content across the site while maintaining consistency and efficiency in content management.